duminică, 8 mai 2011

Invitat special Jeremy Clarkson

Doamnelor si Domnilor, avem onoarea azi sa il avem ca invitat pe idolul meu :P si al vostru, Multpreacunoscutul Jeeeereeeemyyyy Clarksooon!!!

        Da, nu e nicio gluma, este chiar aici langa mine...

-HelloJeremy!how are you?

-Hello Edward!i'm fine,thanks, i'm glad i had time to come here to you, where, i have to tell, the atmosphere is amazing!i wish you luck with this blog, it's the most interesting blog i ever read.how are you?

-Not bad!i have some problems with my bike, but it's gonna be all right at the end.I read something about you :

     "Jeremy has often been described as 'the most influential man in motoring journalism', mainly by himself. Estimates suggest that he is slightly over nine feet tall, owns 14,000 pairs of jeans and has destroyed almost 4.2 million tyres in his lifetime. He is best known for possessing a right foot apparently consisting of some sort of lead-based substance, for creating some of the most tortured similes ever committed to television, and for leaving the world's longest pauses between two parts... of the same sentence. He has never taken public transport."

Is that true?

-I'm not sure, ask my wife, Hammond! :)))

-That's good Jeremy, that's good!And how are things in England?

-Pretty well, the speed limits are off, and i can run my Ford GT at full speed...when it works.

-OK Jeremy,it was an absolut pleasure to have you here, but now it's time to end the show.
 See you next time!
 Bye bye!


          Eheee, vise...sa port un dialog cu Jeremy Clarkson!!!omfg omfg, vorba unor prieteni de-ai mei :P
Nu mai puteam lasa acest blog fara imaginea lui si a emisiunii pe care o conduce, ma simt dator fata de el pentru cat de mult ma amuza Top Gear si ma face sa-mi doresc ca intr-o zi sa am ocazia sa conduc macar un sfert din masinile pe care le-a condus el...si nu ma voi da batut pana nu le voi conduce! Nu mai am ce sa spun...pt mine Jeremy Clarkson e pe aceeasi treapta cu Michael Schumacher si Valentino Rossi, ii admir si ii respect.

          Cam atat in aceasta zi, nu ratati urmatoarea postare, cand vom mai trece printr-o etapa din constructia lui Muttley! Va salut!

Un comentariu:

  1. 1000 de vizualizari :D:D:D e ceva,asa ca va multumesc si la cat mai multe ( imi urez ) :P
